Bathroom Babble

All about the annoying woman in our bathroom!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Enquiring Minds Want To Know...

According to the grapevine the babbler was spotted early this week. Be sure to keep your eyes and ears peeled. You may never no when the babbler will return...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Alls quiet on the flushing front...

So far, so good. Granted, I've only been in the bathroom once today. And I haven't heard any complaints from any of the other ladies......Maybe she called in sick today....One can only hope....

Friday, November 03, 2006


This blog has been started to document the aggravation caused by the Bathroom Babbler. All too often, the women of our company are subjected to the foul language and inappropriate conversations of another woman (she does not work with us, thank goodness) who insists on using our bathroom....

This woman (we do not know her name....yet) uses our washroom to conduct her personal life because the bathroom on our floor is not as heavily used and, as she put it, "more private." But, unfortunately for us, we get to listen to the sordid details of her private life....Were she articulate or even remotely well spoken, this might not be so bad but her conversations are ridiculous! F- this and F- that....

Recently, she even went so far to try and drag me (she called me "Whoever You Are Next To Me") into her world. She rambled on about how she was going to call the police to come and shoot her neighbors dogs. Being an animal lover and not one to waste police time, I was horrified. I couldn't even comment....

Should I ever find out who leaked the door code, they shall be subject to a public flogging.....