Bathroom Babble

All about the annoying woman in our bathroom!!!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I enter the bathroom and pass a woman who is standing at the sink not really doing much of anything. I go into a stall and that's when her phone rings:

Her: HUULLO? (this is said so loud that it echoed)
Caller: where you at? (yes, I can actually hear her call, it may have been on speaker phone)
Caller: (couldn't hear this part)
Her: Well, you dint SAY that.....
Caller: (also couldn't hear this)
Her: UH-HUH.
Caller: (blah blah blah)
Her: Well if you let me get offa here....
Caller: (blah)
Her: OK
Caller: (blah blah blah)
Her: UH-Un
Caller: (blah blah blah)
Her: WELL.....
Caller: (blah blah blah)
Her: Im gonna... (blah)...GIRL....(blah)....YEAH!
Caller: (blah blah blah)
Her: Ok, right NOW.
Hangs up.

Not only was she LOUD and YELLING most of her conversation but she could have stepped into the hallway where her volume would have been appropriate with all the construction sounds and banging they do.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, no...

3:17 PM  

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